Full-fibre infrastructure in MDUs

We’re not an ISP – We are a digital fibre infrastructure specialist working on behalf of landlords, providing telcos with quicker and safer access to buildings.

With a single installation, our digital infrastructure in blocks of flats (also known as Multi Dwelling Units or MDUs) enables full-fibre connectivity. Multiple Internet Service Providers (ISPs) can ‘plug-in’ and offer residents ultrafast broadband services.

Complete Fibre means residents of MDUs can enjoy safe, timely, high quality, ultrafast digital access at no additional cost for their homes or for the landlord. It’s more efficient at every stage, reducing disruption for residents, cutting carbon emissions and future-proofing buildings.

Why work with Complete Fibre?



  • We’re specialists in high-rise (MDU) buildings
  • We do the heavy lifting, including Wayleaves
  • Building safety & quality are a priority
  • Decarbonisation & ESG value


Telcos & ISPs

  • Faster, easier access to MDUs
  • Simple plug & play connection
  • Reduce installation requirements
  • Lower costs & risks



  • Access to faster, more reliable fibre broadband
  • Choice of multiple providers
  • Less building disruption
  • Safe, high quality installation

Why Complete Fibre infrastructure?

Our full-fibre infrastructure solution connects people and communities, replacing the old copper wires that are being switched-off across the UK. The fibre optic cable technology we install enables digital access to information, leisure, business and healthcare services. It’s an essential utility that people need to live well in today’s world.

  • Pro-bono: no cost to you or your residents

  • Specialist MDU project team

  • One Wayleave for multiple buildings
  • Single install for multiple ISPs

  • High quality finish: minimal visual intrusion

  • Less disruption, less cost & less carbon

  • Reliable, full-fibre digital connectivity

  • Confidence of Golden Thread principles

  • Comprehensive, independent audit

  • Digital Asset Record on completion

  • Safe, fully compliant, future-proof buildings
  • Resident choice: multiple ISPs plug-in

We ensure compliance

Equipping MDUs (most commonly blocks of flats) with full-fibre infrastructure in a timely, safe and strategic manner is complex. Complete Fibre understands the landlord’s environment; regulations, competing priorities and resources, and the quality and customer-centric culture required for excellent service.

We also understand the telco market, particularly the capital and resource challenges currently facing operators and providers, which is vital to ensure successful outcomes.

We improve safety and quality

We always put customers first, because keeping people and buildings safe is a founding principle for Complete Fibre. We work to detailed and demanding installation principles, meeting or exceeding the highest engineering and CDM standards with our robust quality assurance process, five step safety check and rigorous SLA.

We deliver an exceptional aesthetic finish and every installation is then audited. Following the principles of the Golden Thread in the Building Safety Act 2022, we provide landlords with a Digital Asset Record confirming safety, quality and compliance for every fibre installation.

Installing once not only delivers cost and carbon savings, it’s a less disruptive and more accountable approach than having multiple telecoms companies installing individual networks to MDUs.

Installation of Complete Fibre can create up to 75% carbon saving for the average MDU, when compared to installing multiple networks.

Committed to future-proofing buildings

Installing once not only delivers cost and carbon savings, it’s a less disruptive and more accountable approach than having multiple telecoms companies installing individual networks to MDUs.

Compete Fibre are pleased to be a Registered Signatory of the Building a Safer Future Charter. Becoming a Registered Signatory is an important first step towards achieving the culture and behavioural change required in relation to the Charter’s objectives around building safety. In confirming our support as a Registered Signatory, we work to ensure that we embed the principles of the Charter into all our activities.

Complete Fibre is also engaged in the BSF Champions assessment process. This process supports our journey of continuous improvement by advancing our approach towards our leadership and culture in relation to building safety and reducing our risk profile

Landlords can be confident that working with us ensures safety, quality and industry standards are met, protecting building integrity and minimising risk.

Who we work with

We’re working with leading housing associations, and collaborating with the sector to promote culture change and to help improve building safety and digital infrastructure standards for all.

One Housing
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